Preservation 101

Tips for saving summer’s sweetness all winter long We can hardly believe that the major growing season is almost over. Before summer takes her last bow, we wanted to offer some tried and true preservation tips. For those of you dedicated to eating more sustainably, storing food is the key to local eating during winter…

Anti Cancer Cooking Class Series (presented by Survivorship Partners)

Come and learn about how to prepare simple yet delicious foods that not only taste great but are part of a lifestyle of cancer prevention and strengthening your body’s natural ability to resist cancer. Choosing nutritious foods is a powerful tool in reducing your risk of cancers. This class is intended for people of all…

Back to School

Easy-to-pack foods for your kiddos lunch While it’d be great to pack your kids a three-course lunch to savor on the playground, finding that kind of time can be challenging. Between PTA, sports practice, music lessons and traffic, schedules can get pretty crazy. Thankfully, there are plenty of delicious, and quick food options that provide…

Love Your Body Class Series

A safe place for teens to redefine beauty and self These jeans make me look fat. I’m too skinny. I’d be happy if I were taller, shorter, had longer legs or just looked exactly like so and so. For too many teens the above statements sound very familiar. It’s hard being a young woman today,…

Seasonal and Local Heirlooms

Celebrate summer’s sweet heirloom tomatoes with Siona as she shares her family’s Simple Caprese Salad, and discusses the benefits of eating local and seasonal foods. Visit your local farmer’s market and don’t miss out on these seasonal treasures.   Enjoy! [youtube][/youtube]

Health Nut

Crunch your way to glowing skin During childhood, my family somehow found a way to incorporate walnuts from our ranch into every possible dish — pasta, pizza, salad, baked goods — that you can think of.  As the daughter of a fifth generation walnut farmer, I grew up eating a lot of walnuts. Years later…

We Got the Beet

Add antioxidants and detox naturally While all the local produce at the Farmers’ Market looks delicious, the magenta and golden tones of beets are especially irresistible. In season now, beets are a nutrient-rich food that naturally detoxify our body, and add rich color and flavor to any dish. Read more to learn about all the health…

Drink Up

Flush toxins, energize muscles and give your skin a radiant glow! Staying hydrated, especially during the summer, is very important to staying healthy. More than half of the human body is comprised of water (60 to 70 percent), and there is no better beverage than water to keep hydrated. Every system in our body depends on…

Tip the Scale with Seaweed

Nature’s Secret for Weight Loss & Glowing Skin You’ve tried oh so many diets, you consistently eat healthy, you exercise regularly and still that last 5, 10 or 20 pounds hang on. What if you could add one food to your daily routine and finally tip the scale? What if that one food could increase your…

Eat Your Sunscreen

Protect your skin with these sun-blocker foods The sun has officially peeked out of the clouds, and here in the Northwest folks are trading the indoors for any piece of grass they can find. While we Seattleites are limited in overall sun exposure (sometimes very, very limited), we should still take some precautionary measures to…

5 Skin Foods for a Radiant Summer Glow!

Do you wish your complexion looked fresh and your skin was dewy and vibrant?  Well, summer is the perfect time to bear it all.  So, forget the needles, lasers, creams and make-up and get ready to eat your way to flawless skin.  In this video, Siona introduces 5 skin foods that will help you get a radiant summer glow,…

Fertility Foods for Spring

I can finally hear the birds chirping, the frogs bellowing and my daffodils have begun to open their vibrant yellow blossoms. It’s the season for new beginnings and the perfect time to reconnect with the earth. I can’t help but relate the feeling of spring to the freshness and innocence of newborn babies. As a…

Quick & Easy 5 Min Greens

Watch Siona prepare her Quick and Easy 5-Minute Greens and spring forward into a new you. These greens keep in the fridge for up to a week and can be added to salads, sandwiches, stir-fries, soups, eggs and even pizza. Enjoy!