Nature’s Secret for Weight Loss & Glowing Skin
You’ve tried oh so many diets, you consistently eat healthy, you exercise regularly and still that last 5, 10 or 20 pounds hang on. What if you could add one food to your daily routine and finally tip the scale? What if that one food could increase your energy level, add shine and vibrancy to your hair and nails, and put you back in touch with your skinny jeans?

As a nutritionist I am in awe of seaweed’s nutritional resume. It is a dietary powerhouse that offers the broadest range of minerals of any food, and contains practically all the minerals found in the ocean. Seaweed is rich in Iodine, vitamin K, calcium, and even fiber. It can nourish our thyroid, promote longevity, digestive health and bring more gloss and glow to hair and skin. It’s also very tasty and easy to include in your diet if you know how to prepare it. Seaweed is available in many varieties, and can be used in salads, soups, casseroles, rice, salad dressings, burgers and more. Here are a few of my favorite ways to bring this restorative food into your diet:

Seaweed isn’t limited to just sushi and miso soup. Add diced Nori or other seaweed varieties to your eggs, and you’ll bring more flavor and nutrition to the first meal of the day. Note: Just sprinkle a small amount of dried Nori to reap the nutrition benefits.

Next time you’re cooking up a steamy pot of soup, add seaweed and give it some added texture and nutrition. Seaweed can be added to miso soup or your favorite vegetable or noodle soup as it cooks, or crumble dried Nori on top as a condiment. Note: Every seaweed dish doesn’t need to have an Asian influence, and since seaweed comes from the water, it won’t break down the way other greens do.

Toss soaked seaweed with cucumbers, greens, toasted sesame oil and your favorite seasonings, or experiment and add seaweed to some of your favorite salad recipes.

Seaweed Snacks
Seaweed can be fried and baked to create crunchy snacks packed with fiber and minerals. You can make seaweed crisps at home or pick them up at your local Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods.

Fresh or Pickled
Finally, my all time favorite way to eat seaweed is freshly harvested from Puget Sound. This summer, we’ll head to Lopez Island, hop in kayaks and harvest fresh kelp and bladderwrack seaweed. I’ll show you how to dry the seaweed you gather (for later use) cook with freshly foraged seaweed, and we’ll preserve some kelp pickles to eat throughout the year.  Go here, for more information on the Seaweed 101 trips offered this summer!

Kelp Blessings,

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